10B 邱敬媛



座右銘 Motto

Be the change you wish to see in the world.



I have been at Kang Chiao for five years. My favorite subject is science, and my hobby is wildlife photography.

I am truly grateful for my classmates' support, and I also think model student is not something that should apply to only one person. Everybody has unique and amazing qualities that make us all model students, each in our own way.

My goal is to learn from the people around me and try to be a better version of myself.

For the people who know me and give me their vote, thank you! But otherwise, vote for whoever inspires you and makes the world better for you. They are the true model students to you. All the candidates are amazing, and they all deserve the title.




1. 熱心助人 2. 品學兼優 3. 高度自律 4. 文武雙全 5. 思慮縝密 6. 理性客觀 7.遵守校規 8. 積極努力 9. 態度謙卑 10. 待人謙和

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