9B 徐百川



座右銘 Motto

I do not have a motto. To pretend to have one would be dishonest.



My name is Timothy Hsu from class 9B. I am the model student selected by my class this year. I participate in MUN conferences every semester; I recently won the award for best delegate as the delegate of Saudi Arabia in the DISEC council. I like to help my classmates academically by answering questions they ask me to the best of my ability. Teaching other people actually helped me improve academically. I like science and every year I try to do unique science fair projects. Although I am not the best leader, I can make valuable contributions to a team when given a specific job to do.



班級模範生提報簡述:品學兼優,為人謙和有禮,深受班上同學喜愛 。

康橋國際學校 - 新北市新店區華城路800號
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